Services for individuals

Services for individuals


Troubleshooting and Installations

Reinstalling the operating system
Virus removal, optimization and protection help
System optimization and cleaning to improve your computer's performance
Troubleshooting, Installation or configuration of your internet connection (any ISP)
PC and laptop installation
Installation and configuration of various software (anti-virus, office suite, etc...)
Installation and configuration of your peripherals (webcam, wireless router, printer, etc..)
Tower dusting / Laptop cleaning and dusting (Compressed air)
Update drivers

Hard drive backup and recovery

Recovery of your erased data (As far as possible)
Creating a Recovery Media for your System
Backing up your data

PC & MAC training and support

Computer training on the topic of your choice
First steps with a computer
IT consultancy
Help with the purchase of computer equipment
User help (windows, internet, email, wifi, messaging, photo, music ...)


Laptop screen
Computer keyboard integrated or not
Memory card
Power supply, soldering and connector replacement
Graphic card